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Getting started

FlueFlame provides a convenient interface for testing all kinds of gRPC requests. To do this, it will use your protobuf file and generate the standard client Grpc.Net.Clinet.

Project setup

You can view the complete code sample from this documentation in the GitHub repositories. We have an Examples.Api project with an ASP.NET-based gRPC server implementation and an Examples.Tests.Api test project.

First you need to add to the test project all the dependencies for generating the client, as in the official documentation:

dotnet add Examples.Tests.Api.csproj package Google.Protobuf
dotnet add Examples.Tests.Api.csproj package Grpc.Tools


Grpc.Net.Client comes with FlueFlame.AspNetCore.Grpc so you don't need to add it as a dependency

Then add a link to the protobuf file in Examples.Tests.Api.csproj:

    <Protobuf Include="..\Examples.Api\Protos\employees.proto" GrpcServices="Client" />

IFlueFlameGrpcHost is created similarly to IFlueFlameHttpHost. Add to your TestBase the line class:

public abstract class TestBase : IDisposable
	//Previous properties

	protected IFlueFlameGrpcHost GrpcHost { get; }

    protected TestBase()

        //Initialize IFlueFlameGrpcHost
        GrpcHost = builder.BuildGrpcHost();


Simple test

The protobuf file describes the RPC for getting an employee by his ID:

syntax = "proto3";

import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

package Examples.Grpc;

service EmployeeService {
  rpc GetById(google.protobuf.StringValue) returns (Employee);

message Employee {
  string guid = 1;
  string full_name = 2;
  string position = 3;
  int32 age = 4;


gRPC does not support the use of scalar types such as string to describe RPC arguments. Therefore, we will use wrappers such as google.protobuf.StringValue.

Let's write a test that calls the GetById method and checks that an object with the correct ID has returned:

public class EmployeeServiceTests : TestBase
	public void GetByIdTest_Exists_ReturnsEmployee()
        //Create Employee in DB
		var employee = new EmployeeTestDataBuilder(EmployeeContext)

				.Call(c => c.GetById(new StringValue { Value = employee.Guid.ToString() }))
					.AssertThat(e => e.Guid.Should().Be(employee.Guid.ToString()));

In the Generic CreateConnection method, you need to specify the class of the generated client. Note that the EmployeeServiceClient client class is nested within the EmployeeService class.